If you spot a long-haired dog, it can be next to impossible to resist petting their luscious locks. Their fluffy coats give them an almost teddy bear like appearance which makes them nothing short of adorable. But this luxurious coat usually comes with great responsibility in terms of extra grooming to keep them in tip top condition.
If you love your pups with a little extra fluff, keep reading to find out our top 12 long-haired dog breeds and their grooming requirements!
1. Afghan Hound
One of the most famous long-haired dogs and possibly the most glamorous breed of all time, the Afghan Hound boasts a long and silky flowing coat that comes in shades of black, rust or cream. These gorgeous coats don’t just serve to make them look fabulous either, their original purpose was to protect them from the cold temperatures of the Afghanistan mountains from which they hail.
Grooming requirements: High maintenance, coat requires misting prior to daily brushing to prevent damage. Regular bathing will also be required.
2. Bolognese
Resembling a small cloud, the Bolognese has a glorious long, cotton like coat in a bright white colour. A firm favourite of Italian royalty thanks to their stunning appearance and fun natures, this long-haired dog breed makes a wonderful companion for those looking for a smaller fluffy dog with tonnes of personality.
Grooming requirements: Surprisingly the Bolognese doesn’t shed very much, but they will need daily brushing to prevent tangles. The coat can be clipped shorter for easier maintenance.
3. Bearded Collie
This long-haired dog breed dons a magnificent beard (hence the name) and a long, shaggy coat that comes in slate, brown, blue or fawn. The Bearded Collie has a double coat which makes them appear even fluffier with a straight, harsh and shaggy outercoat and a soft and furry undercoat.
This clever coat helped to keep them warm whilst they herded sheep and cattle in their homeland of Scotland.
Grooming requirements: Regular brushing is required to keep the coat free from mats and tangles.
4. Briard
The Briard is incredibly cuddly looking with their long coats and strong, muscular bodies. Coming from Brie in France, this long-haired dog is renowned for their loving personalities, so much so that they’re often referred to as the “heart wrapped in fur”! Briard’s have a double coat with a long and slightly wavy outercoat and a fine and tight undercoat.
Grooming requirements: Brushing is required at least three times a week.
5. Lhasa Apso
Small in stature with an incredibly long, silky coat, it can sometimes be a bit difficult to see the Lhasa Apso beneath their bountiful locks! When left to grow, their long fur reaches down to the ground, giving them a majestic gait that makes them almost appear as if they’re floating.
Grooming requirements: Lhasa Apso’s require daily grooming. Some owners choose to have the coat cut shorter as when long, as it’s very prone to tangles. A professional groomer or the breeder will be able to advise on the best approach.
6. Pekingese
Long-haired and very low to the ground, it’s hard to believe that the Pekingese is real. Their fur is often referred to as a ‘lion’s mane’, due to a Chinese legend that states the long-haired dog breed was created by Buddha shrinking down a lion.
Grooming requirements: Brushing is required daily and bathing can be up to once a week. , A full groom from a professional groomer is advised around every eight weeks.
7. Shih Tzu
Another small, long-haired dog breed with the heart and appearance of a lion is the Shih Tzu. The breed boasts a gorgeously silky coat that comes in hues of black, black and white, grey and white and red and white. They make fantastic companions due to their kind natures and love of people.
Grooming requirements: Daily brushing is a requirement to prevent tangles and they’ll need to be bathed once a week too. The coat can be kept short to make it easier to maintain.
8. Komondor
This unusual looking long-haired dog breed’s fur is often referred to as ‘mop-like’. Interestingly, the cord coat can take up to two years to form and until then, it appears fuzzier. Once the coat starts to clump, you’ll need to split into sections (breed specialists advise about the size of a quarter).
Grooming requirements: A Komondor is never brushed as this makes it impossible for the cords to form. They are formed by dividing new hair manually form the skin every few months. New owners should be shown how to do this by someone who has experience with this breed. Bathing is required regularly, but be sure to dry well otherwise the coat may smell.
9. Old English Sheepdog
You may recognise this long-haired dog breed from many a Disney film, including the likes of The Little Mermaid and of course, The Shaggy Dog! The Old English Sheepdog’s lovably fluffy appearance is because they have a double coat with a textured outer and a soft under that comes in grey, blue, blue merle, brown, fawn and grizzle.
Grooming requirements: You’ll need to be keen on daily brushing with this breed and dedicate a few hours each week, with a lot of grooming required in shedding seasons so you must ensure you have sufficient time to dedicate to maintaining the coat.
10. Skye Terrier
The Skye Terrier is a small dog with an incredibly dramatic coat. One of the things that makes them so unique is that their ears stand up and their long hair seems to flow from them, giving them an almost bat wing appearance! Their fur is so long that many owners tend to clip it back from their forehead and eyes with a hair tie or clip.
Grooming requirements: Brushing is required a couple times a week with bathing every few weeks to keep the coat in good condition.
11. Puli
This long-haired dog breed looks a bit like a miniature Komondor. Their unusual coat naturally forms into mop/cord like strands which some owners choose to brush out to get a wavier texture. The Puli’s coat takes around four years to grow and to form the cords and it comes in black, grey and white.
In Hungary one of the most common colours is ‘fako’, which is the shade of a whole-wheat roll!
Grooming requirements: If you want to cord your Puli’s coat, you’ll need to help form them at around one year of age, but you still must spend time on the adolescent coat. Bathing a corded Puli is very time consuming and air drying can take as long as two days! For uncorded coats, regular brushing is required to keep it tangle free.
12. Bergamasco Shepherd
You may think this breed looks a tad neglected due to their matted coat, but it’s actually by design. The mats protect them from the hot weather by keeping the cold air circulating on their skin and it keeps them warm during the colder months. It also protects them from insect and animal bites too! The Bergamasco Shepherd’s coat takes five years for the strands to reach the ground and due to the sheer amount of it, they don’t tend to do too well in warmer climates.
Grooming requirements: At around one year old, the Bergamasco Shepherd’s coat will need to be separated into mats, a process that can be very time consuming. Once this is done, the breed doesn’t need to be brushed and bathing is only recommended a couple of times a year.
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